First things first

I warmly welcome all genders, races, countries of origin, sexual orientations, religions, abilities and body sizes.

What people enjoy most about working with me

I am emotionally engaged and direct

I am not a blank expression, smile and nod kind of therapist. I am an active participant in the work. I bring my whole self to our relationship - we will laugh together and we will cry together. Deep work happens when we both bring our emotions into the room.

Nothing is taboo

I welcome all parts of you, especially the parts that others/society have told you are “wrong” or “bad.” The way I see it, all of you has a purpose and a place, and I want to walk with you as we uncover each part.

We’ll go deep

I am not the therapist you come to when you want to acquire a few new habits and call it a day. I am here to explore the cornerstones of existence with you, and I want to support you in becoming more deeply connected to who it is that you want to be in the world.

Healing through relationship

Trauma, loss, abuse, oppression, emotional scarring and other hardships can create a sense of overwhelm, numbness, and crippling anxiety. This often results in a struggle to move forward in life, loss of hope, and most of all, difficulty in creating and sustaining healthy relationships.

Healthy relationships are the key to a life well-lived. The therapeutic relationship acts as a microcosm - what shows up between us likely shows up outside the therapy room as well. The difference is that in therapy, we invite curiosity and openness into one’s relational patterns and challenges, and practice new, more empowered ways of being together in the room, and with others out in the world.

I believe in an inner healing intelligence

I work within a non-pathologizing perspective. You are not to be put into a box and explained, but rather held with compassion, explored, and understood.

Given an affirming, accepting, and nonjudgmental space, people can gain the courage to remember their innate worth and reclaim their inner wisdom. I trust that each individual inherently possesses the knowledge and resources they need to heal and empower themselves to make positive changes in their life.

My job is to help you to rediscover and strengthen your connection to your inner knowing that was always there.  

Trust Takes Time

Therapy offers an incredible opportunity to grow and develop a healthier relationship with self and others. Some of that progress happens quickly, which can be very exciting, However, much of the deep, sustained growth of therapy takes time.

This is because healing is about taking small, consistent risks - both in the room and out in the world - until you come to feel more empowered and in alignment with how you want to be living your life.

As such, we will move slowly, always attuning our work to your sense of safety and comfort, and learning what we need to do to best support you. The more trust and safety you feel in our relationship, the more effective our time together can be.

“Sometimes a leap is more like a series of smaller, practical steps taken with devotion and constancy. By devotion I mean fidelity to the image you have for the life you want, and the world you want to live in.”

— Toko Pa Turner

I hope you get in touch.